My papers in the subject of superconducting vortex avalanches
PhysicaA2000a(Universality of vortex avalanches in a type II superconductor with periodic pinning)
PhysicaC2002b(Origin of dendritic flux patterns in MgB2 films)
PhysicaC2004b(Experiments in superconducting vortex avalanches)
PhysRevB2001a(Thermally activated avalanches in type II superconductors)
PhysRevB2001c(Simple model for plastic dynamics of a disordered flux-line lattice)
PhysRevB2004a(Vortex avalanches with robust statistics obsreved in superconducting niobium)
PhysRevLett2001a(Avalanches in one-dimensional piles with different types of bases)
VortexAvalanchesReviewNOVA(Vortex avalanches in type II superconductors: the sandpile perspective)